WANDERLUST (n.) a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.
Hi there. We are Chris and Sheila Richards. In mid-1997, we mused over a very simple goal: "Sail away, April 2002". And we did it! Welcome to our blog.
Late May 2002, Sheila packing up the house. |
Since the birth of our first son, Joel in 1994, Sheila has kept our home and done a wonderful job raising our two sons. She too has a technical diploma (honors) in Survey Engineering from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and worked in that industry prior to kids. Our second son Gerrit was born in 1996.
Joel and Gerrit are both fantastic and outgoing boys who are very enthusiastic about the trip. On board, they are home-schooled, though (as Sheila is fond of saying) the world is our classroom and we don't intend to let school interfere with their education. Prior to our trip, both Joel and Gerrit attended a French immersion elementary school, École St. Luke.
In September 1999 (less than 3 years before our planned departure date), our youngest son Gerrit was diagnosed with Type-1 (juvenile) diabetes. At 3.5 years old, he is insulin dependent. Our world was literally turned upside down. With much perseverance and diabetes education, we make the decision to continue with our sailing plans. We feel in the end it will be a much stronger message to Gerrit to just live your life. You can do anything if you take some extra precautions and Just Do It.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 Moving Date has arrived. |
Why are we going sailing for 5 years?
There were a number of reasons why we chose to go on a multi-year sailing trip. First, there was the lure of adventure. In the mid-80s, Sheila and Chris had toured Europe for almost a year in a VW campervan and still vividly remember those good times as if they had happened yesterday. Second, we love camping and exploring and kids have only added to the experience. In the years leading up to our departure we often camped out 30 to 40 nights a year. Finally, there's more to life then getting up, going to work, coming home to your family dead tired, and repeating that day after day. Before the kids become teenagers, we want to spend prime time as a family and to give our kids life skills and experiences they will never forget.Monday, June 3, 2002
We cram our earthly possessions into a crawl space at Sheila's brothers farm. That leaves us only needing a small U-haul to get our remaining items out to the west coast, where we keep our sailboatTuesday, June 4th, 2002
After an all-night drive from Alberta to Vancouver Island we arrive at Tioga, our 1979 Fast Passage 39 and our home for the next 5 years, if all goes according to plan!![]() |
Time to unpack - Yikes was all this stuff really necessary? |
Friday, June 14th - Our new mode of transportation
Tioga came with a Polaris inflatable dinghy that is now our means of transportation to and from shore when we are at anchor. The 15 H-P Mariner outboard motor is very powerful and we can get the dinghy up on a plane for speedy travel if needed. It is nice to putt about the various coves, but when we are doing a grocery run to a near-by store, we want it done as quick as possible. Joel came up with the name of Boomerang for our dinghy as he said she always comes back. Clever thinking...Boomerang it is! Today we are putting about a Sidney Spit cove just east of the Town of Sidney on Vancouver Island.
Gerrit and Boomerang |
June & July 2002
A tremendous amount of work is involved in getting a sailboat and your affairs ready for cruising and off-shore passage making. Here Chris is working on a wind-activated automatic steering system (a CapeHorn Windvane).Chris installing our wind steering. |
The boys adjust well to their new life on the water.
Joel and Gerrit like to swing in the rigging. |
July 2002
In between all the preparations, we still managed to get a weekend off here and there. This is a beautiful Gulf Islands' sunset.Wednesday July 3rd, 2002
John G. with backup insulin pump. |
August 2002
Pretty much ready to go. We are exhausted. We are told that if you wait until your boat is completely ready to go, you'll never go anywhere. Next, up to Barkley Sound on the west side of Vancouver Island, from where we will depart for San Francisco on August 24th or so.Tioga, ready to go |
In Log 2 we take the jump off Vancouver Island and head south after months of preparation.